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What is Cashmere?


The woolen fabric known as “cashmere” originated in the Himalayan Mountains from the Kashmiri goat and is the down-like undercoat which the goat grows from roughly mid-summer until winter. Cashmere wool, or simply cashmere, is characterized by its longevity, softness, and warmth when woven into garments as well as being a natural insulation that is not bulky. The fabric is also characterized by its increasing softness the more it is worn and has oftentimes been referred to as the “Fabric of Kings.”


Each goat will normally yield only 3-8 ounces of cashmere wool annually and a single-ply woman’s sweater requires roughly 10-12 ounces (or 3-4 goats) for its manufacture. At one time, the price of cashmere exceeded $200 (USD) per pound. So the rarity of the fiber is always an economic issue. Its quality is usually defined by the diameter, length, and the texture of the fiber itself, and this quality is also affected by the climate where the goats mature and the types of food and nutrients that they consume.


Though cashmere fabric garments are no longer reserved exclusively for royalty as in the past, it is one of the most precious fibers used in the garment industry today. Since the Victorian Era, Scottish cashmere has been regarded by the British textile industry as being amongst the finest quality fabric in the world. However, the UK’s largest textile mill produces less than a metric ton of cashmere annually when it requires that amount per day to stay in operation.


There are four types of cashmere fiber used in manufacturing a garment:


• Raw fibers

Unprocessed fibers that come directly from the goat


• Processed fibers

Fibers which are ready to crochet, knit, spin, or weave having been de-haired, washed, and carded


• Virgin fibers

New fibers that are used for the first time in the manufacture of fabrics, garments, or yarns


• Recycled fibers

Reclaimed fibers originating from previously woven garments or scraps which might or might not have been used or worn by consumers


The feel and quality of cashmere wool is like no other woolen fabric, and owning garments manufactured from this fabric are a fashion luxury to be sure. Typically, the cheaper the quality of the yarn, the more pilling that occurs. Cashmere garments that are manufactured in Scotland are still the highest quality there is and they are the least likely to ball up or pill, so always ask where the garment was produced.


Anytime you are shopping for cashmere garments, it is recommended that you always read the label. Labels that read "100% cashmere", as opposed to those that say "Cashmere made in Scotland", is typically a cheaper and inferior product. It is common knowledge in the textile industry that the world's finest cashmere on the market is and has always been manufactured in Scotland. Scottish cashmere is constructed from the finest cashmere fiber there is, not to mention the fact that the Scots employ the best methods of getting the fabric to market.


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